6 Different Kind of Attic Insulation

Making sure the house has good air circulation not just through the windows is a must. Roof and attic insulation is also necessary to minimize heat in the home. Insulation is necessary to minimize heat. Here’s what you need to know about attic and roof insulation.

It’s no secret that the earth is warming day by day. Do you feel the same way? This event was caused by the depletion of the ozone layer in the Earth’s atmosphere. This will make the heat not only felt outside the room. Sometimes you can feel the warm air entering the house.

Well, here we have a solution for you to achieve cooler air temperatures with a simple DIY roof insulation. See explanation below.

What Is Roof Insulation?

Roof insulation is the installation of a material used to reduce heat from the roof of a house. The presence of this heat-absorbing material can make the room below cooler than usual.

Not only that, you can also reduce the impact of using an air conditioner (AC) and increase the energy efficiency of your home. The most common type of roof insulation is thermal aluminum foil.

When installed, this material reflects infrared rays and attenuates noise from outside the house, such as raindrops.

How To Install Roof Insulation For A House

Roof insulation can be done by installing it directly on top of the roof. However, if there is another layer under the roof that protects the room, this can be attached to it.

Tools needed include wire mesh, scissors, glue, roof insulation types of choice, and other construction equipment. The way roof insulation works is that when the heat of the sun hits the roof, it reflects and absorbs. Sun rays are absorbed by the roof and directed at the room.

However, with roof insulation installed, heat is quickly blocked and trapped in a hollow layer.

This prevents the room temperature from getting too hot or too cold.

6 Attic Insulation Options

  1. aluminum foil

As mentioned above, aluminum foil is the best-selling and most widely used insulation roofing sheet. This species has a silver leaf form. The sheet consists of two main layers that work together in hot view.

First, the foil itself. This function reflects heat from the sun up to 97%, reduces room heat by up to 45%, and is considered audible up to 7 db. The second layer is an empty layer.

This grade includes three material options that can be used, namely polyethylene, bubble wrap and glass wool. The polyethylene material is better for reducing the noise of the rainwater in the sky, while the bubble bag material is better for reducing the hot temperature.

  1. Polyester roof insulation

It turns out that in addition to being used to make a mixture as a clothing material, this plastic bottle can also be a very good heat absorber. The commonly used type is R3.5. This material is very light and safe for all environments, but it is relatively more expensive and the effect is not pleasant to the skin.

  1. Material of bubble sheet

This type has the same characteristics and shape as aluminum foil. The only difference is on the surface in the form of overlapping circles.

  1. Glass wool material

One of the best roofs in this house is made from fiberglass treated to form a wool-like layer.

Glass wool is commonly used as dampers in office buildings, music studios, factories and the like.

  1. Foam roof insulation board.

Although this panel material is made of plastic, it is very effective at absorbing heat. Because it’s made up of plastic particles that are compacted and then filled with air again.

The advantage of this material is that the price is quite affordable, saving the budget.

After that, the installation process is also very simple, so it is more convenient. Size and thickness are also varied so that it can be adjusted as needed.

  1. Polyurethane foam material

Polyurethane foam is a material that is also good at absorbing heat. This material has a slightly dense liquid texture that can absorb heat more strongly and does not fade easily when exposed to high or cold temperatures.

This material is great for a wide variety of roof designs including tile, asbestos, wood, metal, concrete and other materials. What is more interesting about this material is that it can be applied very easily by spraying the outer layer on different types of roof. Hope the above article can help you!